November 13, 2012

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

WEB BOHEMIAN (Wednesday, November 14, 2012)
(1)- SOUTHERN ITALIAN ETHOS: – … defined by a narrow dedication to the one’s own interests, immediate family, a thoroughgoing absence of intellectual or political integrity, disinterestedness, trust…

(2)- NEW YORKER FACTS -- Fact-checking has become a big part of The New Yorker’s editing process…  To try to make things work out. To try to not obstruct publication, but to get things as right as they can be…

(3)- MACHO MAN -- Men can tolerate more pain than women, tend to act stoically when they are hurt and are less likely to show their immediate reaction  to it because they want to be macho, researchers have found.

(4)- RUSSIAN SHOW TRIAL -- Some Russian activists draw parallels between a potential 'mega-trial' for leftist leader Sergei Udaltsov and Stalin's show trials in the 1930s. But the comparison remains controversial.

(5)- SCIENCE -- ‘We live, it seems, between the shaman’s pole and Galileo’s plank; between our continuing wish to be enchanted and our eagerness to disenchant the world through science. Which is it to be?

(6)- THE BIOLOGICAL DIVERSITY CRISIS -- Scientists offer new insight into what to protect of the world's rapidly vanishing languages, cultures, and species.

(7)- THE BRAIN LIKES A CHALLENGE -- It’s an odd thought. Why would anyone make their work more difficult than it already is? Yet we know that difficulty can pay unexpected dividends.

(8) – THE THRONE OF ZION – Herein a report concerning a pilgrimage to Sao Jorge da Mina, Ghana’s oldest and most notorious slave castle. Chattel Without Rights, The Trafficking in Persons Report…

(9)- LEARN TO LIKE CASSAVA -- Climate change could lead to crops from the banana family becoming a critical food source for millions of people. Cassava and the little-known cowpea plant could be much more important food crops as temperatures rise.


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