November 20, 2012

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

WEB BOHEMIAN (Wednesday, November 21, 2012)
(1)- WHO IS FETHULLAH GULEN? -- Controversial Muslim preacher, feared Turkish intriguer—and “inspirer” of the largest charter school network in America. Gülen is a powerful business figure in Turkey and controversial.

(2)- BRAIN WITH A HEART -- He is now probably the most famous, and most beloved, brain doctor at work today. He does not publish scientific papers, do research, or advance arguments about theoretical questions.

(3)- HARVARD GUINEA PIGS -- Skull clamps and scrotum calipers. Harvard scholars poked and prodded students to learn the secrets of a successful life. What did they find?

(4)- TOTALITARIANISM AND FAMINE -- The worst human tragedies of the 20th century were certainly most deadly when sponsored or unleashed by totalitarian regimes, and food was a crucial element of their politics.

(5)- IS THIS A FAD OR SIGNIFICANT CHANGE TO CONSIDER -- Online versions of college courses attract hundreds of thousands of students, millions of dollars in funding and accolades from university administrators.

(6)- POLITICS IN THE AGE OF CAESAR --  Quintus Cicero suggested was well advised to lie his way into popular favor, or at least that he should promise more than he could deliver.

(7)- 19th CENTURY FADS – Men wore the enormous cravats which had been introduced by George the Third to hide the swelling on his neck; carrots were scarcely used and the tomato was known as the ‘love apple’ and considered poisonous…

(8)- ALBERT SPEER -- Every engineer in the course of his career faces moral decisions that are similar to, if less weighty than, the ones that Albert Speer faced. How did his character and technical person connect.

(9)- BIOLOGY AND BUDDHISM -- For Buddhists, as for ecologists, all individual lives are eventually ‘over’, but their constituent parts continue ‘living’ pretty much for ever, in a kind of ongoing process of bio-geo-chemical reincarnation.


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